Burning Man is an annual congregation of artists, creators, and dreamers that takes place in the Nevada desert. For a little over a week, the desert is filled with incredible art instalations, mobile dance parties, and themed events throughout the campgrounds where the participants stay. Burning man is a "leave no trace" event, so everything that is brought in must be taken out. For this reason, some of the larger structures and installations are designed and built so they can be burned at the end of the event. Notably, these structures have a grand architectural presence on the open desert, and reveal some interesting techniques about wood construction. The grand scale and construction details are even more impressive when realizing the 1-2 week timeline for errection of the structures, before they are reduced to a pile of ash. Below are 3 structures from this year's Burning Man, showing their exterior, interior, and the final burn.
-Xander Tertychny
Lighthouse of Black Rock City
The Temple
Catacomb of Veils